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The service pledged

[來源:原創] [作者:admin] [日期(qī):14-11-27] [點擊:]


Following the success of previous Valve World Conference & Exhibition both in Europe and China, The Valve World Asia 2009 Conference & Exhibition promises to be a valuable meeting point for valve professionals from all over the world with a special emphasis on recent developments in China.

The combination of a content focused, end user driven, bi-lingual conference and social programme, plant tours and a hands on exhibition - featuring manufacturers and suppliers with experienced and knowledgeable staff on hand showcasing their products, services and personality - will offer a unique platform for content and direct business to business opportunities.



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Add:Anfeng industy,Oubei Town,Wenzhou , Zhejiang, China Tel:0577-67990137 Fax:0577-67335892